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Marina's Mexican Lasagna
500g ground meat
2 peppers different colors (sliced)
1 onion (finely cubed)
1 garlic clove (finely chopped)
3 soft tortillas
1 tsp of cumin
1 tsp of oregon
1 tbsp of paprika
1 can of red beans
1 can of chick peas
250g tomato sauce
1 full cup of shredded cheese (your choice) to cover the top of lasagna
thick cream

The beans and chick peas can be substituted by mushrooms.
Preheat the oven (180C) Slice the peppers. Chop the onion and garlic. Mix the shredded cheese with the cream.
Fry the meat (do not add anything). Then keep it aside.
Fry, in the same pan, the sliced peppers with the onion and garlic. Season them with 1 tsp of cumin, 1 tsp of Oregon, 1 tbsp of paprika. Let it cook for around 10 minutes. Add the meat, the tomato sauce and mix well. Mix also the beans and the chick peas.
Cover the bottom of the oven tray with meat then cover the meat with tortilla sheets. Repeat the layers one more time. 
Finish with tortilla and cover it with a mix of shredded cheese and thick cream. At the end cover with crunched tortilla chips.
Cook on oven (preheated 180C) for 25 minutes.
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