Cherry Cup Dessert

Cherry Cup Dessert 

1 package of mascarpone cheese
3 vanilla yogurts 
Icing sugar (up to taste)
10 chocolate cookies (crispy)

2 bananas
1 tea spoon of butter 
2 table spoons of brown sugar 

Fruit topping:
1 jar pitted cherries: 1 cup cherry juice from the jar and fruits as much as you like.

2 table spoons of Kirsch (optional)
1 table spoon of sugar
1 heaped tea spoon of maizena

Make a cream with mascarpone cheese, yogurt and icing sugar.
Caramelize sugar in a pan, add butter and place on it sliced banana. Mix gently; not to squash the fruit.    

Save ¼ cold cherry juice and mix with maizena.
Boil in a pan the rest of the cherry liquid, sugar, fruits and alcohol (Kirsch ). Once boiling, add the maizena's mixture , keep boiling for 2 minutes.
Cool down.

Before serving put in the glass following layers: cream, crumble cookies, cream, banana and finally fruit topping.

Bom Apetite!

