Blueberry Coconut Milk Rice Pudding | Vegan Dessert Recipes

Summer is Berry season and we are making a great use of it. My LO's recent favorite is the blueberries. He loves to pick them up with his little fingers and eat them. I have been buying these beauties whenever I go for produce shopping. Other than eating it for snacks I had been adding it to the meals. This simple blueberry coconut pudding is creamy and delicious.
Cooked cooled rice - 1 cup (I used Basmati)
Coconut water - 1-1/4 cups (see notes below)
Coconut milk from can - 1/2 cup
Fresh Blueberries - 1/3 cup or more per taste (pureed)
Sugar - 1-1/2 tbsp or more per taste
Cardamom - a pinch
Bring the rice and 1 cup of coconut water to a boil. Then reduce the heat to medium. Stir with a wooden spoon frequently to avoid sticking to the pan. When almost all of the water is evaporated add 1/4 cup of coconut milk with cardamom. Mix and remove from heat. Allow to cool for about 15 minutes. Now add the remaining coconut milk, pureed blueberries, sugar and mix well. Now if the texture is too thick for you, thin it out with the remaining coconut water. Mix and refrigerate for a minimum of 2 hours. Serve topped with fresh blueberries.
Linking this to Priya's Vegan Thursdays.
