Join us for Wine Pairing Weekend #2: Refreshing Summer Wine Pairings

Wine Pairing Weekend #2 focuses on "Refreshing Pairings". Could the Banshee Pinot Noir with salmon qualify?
Update: Our Wine Pairing Weekend event for July on Refreshing Summer Pairings was a big hit! The post below lays the pre-event details for the month. You can find links to the pairings the #winePW bloggers came up with here in this overview post. Our #winePW 3 the theme is "Wine for Summer's Bounty"--get the details on this intro post.

Happy summer! I write this post as we officially welcome the season known for warm weather, beaches, cookouts and other such fun stuff. Where does wine fit in the summer fun? Sure, there is wine for the food coming off the grill, but we covered that last month for Wine Pairing Weekend #1. Today, as summer begins, we are putting out a call for Refreshing Summer Wine Pairings, which will be our theme for Wine Pairing Weekend #2 on Saturday, July 12. Imagine a 90 plus degree day, you're sitting on the deck waiting for the grill to heat up, and you're sipping on something refreshing. What's in your glass, and what might you nibble with it? Or perhaps you want to tell us about a light summer main course with a wine pairing that meets the "refreshing" theme. Get creative, and join us for the #winePW fun!

Before I get into the details about how you can join use for #winePW 2, let me give a shout out to the bloggers who joined us for the first of these events: Curious Cuisiniere, Meal Diva, Pull That Cork, Grape Experiences, Vino Travels, Culinary Adventures with Camilla, and Tasting Pour. A great group, and we'd love to add you to the list for #winePW 2 if you are a blogger!

Details for participation
Are you ready to jump in and participate in the second #winePW? Here are the details:
  • Send an email to tell me you're in: Include your blog url, Twitter handle, link to your Pinterest profile, and any other social media detail. If you know your blog post title now, include that...but you can send me that a bit closer to the event, I'd like to get a sense of who's participating and give some shoutouts and links as we go. The email is winepairingweekend AT
  • Send your post title to me by Tuesday, July 8 to be included in the preview post. I will do a preview post shortly after getting the titles, linking to your blogs. Your title should include "Wine Pairing Weekend". Update: The preview post has been published here, but you can still join in if you read this by July 12!
  • Publish your post between 12:01 a.m-7:00 a.m. EDT on Saturday, July 12. I know a lot of wine bloggers will be at the big Wine Bloggers Conference, but you can always schedule your post in advance to publish while you enjoy the WBC!
  • Include a link to the other #winePW participants in your post, and a description of what the event is about. I'll provide the html code you can easily put in your initial post--which will link to people's general blog url--then updated code for the permanent links to everyone's #winePW posts.
  • Get social! After the posts go live, please visit your fellow bloggers posts' to comment and share. I'll follow-up later with some specific strategies for that social sharing.
  • Sponsored posts OK if clearly disclosed. Please be sure to disclose if your post is sponsored or if you are describing wine or other products for which you have received a free sample.
  • Live #winePW Twitter Chat July 12, 11 a.m. ET: Participating bloggers and others interested in the subject will connect via a live Twitter chat. It's a nice bring way to bring in others interested in the subject who didn't get a chance to share a blog post. You can definitely still join the blog event if you're not available for the live chat.
OK, that's all I can think of for now. Please let me know your thoughts and questions in the comments; or you can also email me at winepairingweekend AT Cheers!
What wine do you like to sip on the patio? Share it with us for #winePW! The Chateau Simone is great on patio or anywhere.
