Orange Blueberry Loaf Cake | Eggless Cake Recipes

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! What are your plans? I hope to make something special on the day. Have a few ideas, but no plans yet. I made this Orange blueberry loaf cake last week in an impromptu I-need-to-bake-something rush. Blueberries are in season and fruits are best eaten in season. I bought this big box of blueberries from Costco. After making its frequent presence in my snack box, breakfast oatmeal and lemon blueberry pancakes the remaining went into this cake.

Adapted from the recipe here
All purpose flour / Maida - 2 cups
Salt - 1/2 tsp
Baking powder - 2 tsp
Orange zest - 1/2 tsp
Sugar - 1 cup
Butter - 1/2 cup
Plain Yogurt - 1/2 cup (Greek/regular)
Vanilla extract - 1/2 tsp
Orange juice - 1/2 cup (definitely freshly squeezed)
Fresh Blueberries - 1 cup

Preheat the oven to 350 F/180 C. Grease and line a loaf pan.
Take 1 tbsp of flour and mix with the blueberries. Sieve/Whisk the remaining flour, salt, baking powder and orange zest together. In a large bowl, beat the sugar and butter together until smooth and creamy. Add the vanilla and yogurt and whisk again. Add the orange juice and mix well. Add the flour mixture in 3 additions, mixing well in each addition. Do not overmix. Fold in the blueberries. Pour the batter to the greased pan and smooth the top. Bake for 50 minutes to an hour or a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Allow to cool on a cooling rack. Slice and serve. If you are not serving the same day, after the cake has cooled completely, double wrap in a plastic wrap and pop it in the fridge. Stays good for up to a week. When serving, just slice and warm in the microwave oven for 10-15 seconds.
You could use orange flavoured yogurt for an enhanced orange taste.
