Slow Smoked Tomatoes and Garlic

Big plans?  Cleaning out that grill/smoker of the bird's nest and planning a weekend warrior session???

I have a treat for you that is so good you may just look for excuses to buy a dedicated smoker.

Click the photo to see my first post
of Kale Chips ala
Cooking with Chopin, Living with Elmo
First off, credit for this idea goes to my first repeat honoree... You first met Ginny, author of the "Cooking with Chopin, Living with Elmo" blog last month.  She blogged me through slow roasted Kale chips that I made on my grill.  To say I was pleasantly surprised was an understatement.  Her kale chips came out terrific!

Bit of background, I first gained confidence as a cook on my grill and dedicated smoker.  I was gaining skills and slowly began to fit in with my fellow Cul de Sac-ittes.  Grilling and smoking meat, while rewarding, is no longer the measure of a king of the que.  Instead, it's the side dishes that we are starting to brag on.

Also, finding ways to use the limited size of a grill/smoker in creative ways.  Basics of smoking your beans under the meat so the steam from the beans adds moisture to the meat (and the dripping spice rub from the meat seasons the beans) is pretty basic.  But, when smoking, there is always a question/problem of the cook session usually being finished a few hours before serving.  "Foiling" the meat, also known as a "Texas Cheat" and putting it in an ice chest (no ice) keeps the meat hot and evens out the temperature for up to 6 hours.  That leaves all that heat in your smoker just begging for something new...

Like these...

Think sweet sun dried tomatoes.  But with a hint of smoke flavor (remember, I cooked these in the residual heat of the smoker, about 225 degrees, with the wood chips already burnt, just the bit of smoke that comes from the coals).  But, much like making a marinara sauce, the tomatoes sweetened as they roasted.  They ended up tasting like tomato candy.  Incredible!

Click the Bottle
to see O's
I made a biog sheet of these, one of my most bountiful garden plants this summer was my cheery tomato plants.  As Ginny suggested in her original post, simply cut in half, add some garlic cloves if you like (I did), drizzle with some Extra Virgin olive Oil (low temperatures, again allow you to use this oil without fear of burning.

It is a sad day, I received a WONDERFUL bottle of oil, unlike anything I have had, O Olive Oil co, has a pressed oil, BLOOD ORANGE.  I say pressed, as they actually press the citrus same time they press the Olives, making a much more than flavored, much more than infused oil.  Just killer on salads, and prefect for this slow roasting (smoking) session.

I used this Blood Orange pressed oil to season the tomatoes.  I also added some of my own herb mix, as well as garlic flakes, fresh lemon zest and a few surprises.

And that's it... Tomatoes, Garlic cloves, Oil and herbs... and low heat.

Click Ginny's photo to see her
Original post of  Roasted Tomatoes
