Italian Cuisine (Fish Recipes)


Juice of 2 lemons
3 large artichokes
8 tablespoons olive oil, divided
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 whole red snapper or sea bass (about 2 pounds), gutted and scaled with head and tail intact
Salt and black pepper
3 small sprigs fresh rosemary, divided
1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh parsley


1. Pour half the lemon juice and squeezed lemon halves in large bowl. Fill bowl half full with cold water; set aside. Reserve remaining lemon juice.
2. To prepare artichokes, bend back dark outer leaves and snap off at base. Continue snapping off leaves until bottom halves are yellow. Cut 1-1/2 inches off tops of artichokes; trim stems to 1 inch. Peel tough green layer from stem and base. Cut artichokes lengthwise (from tops) into quarters; place quarters in lemon water to help prevent discoloration.
3. Working with 1 artichoke quarter at a time, remove small-shaped heart leaves from center by grasping with fingers, then pulling and twisting. Scoop out fuzzy choke with spoon. Cut artichoke quarters lengthwise into thin slices. Quickly return slices to lemon water. Repeat step with remaining artichoke quarters.
4. Drain artichoke slices. Heat 6 tablespoons oil in large skillet over medium heat until hot. Add artichokes and garlic. Cover; cook 5 minutes until tender, stirring occasionally.
5. Preheat oven to 425°F. Rinse fish; pat dry with paper towels. Season fish inside and out with salt and pepper. Place in baking pan.
6. Stuff fish cavity with as many artichoke slices as will fit and 1 sprig rosemary. Arrange remaining artichoke slices and 2 sprigs rosemary around fish.
7. Combine reserved lemon juice, remaining 2 tablespoons oil and parsley; drizzle over fish. Bake 30 minutes or until fish begins to flake when tested with fork, basting occasionally with pan juices.
