Journey in Lebanon, day 4

Day Four

Qadisha, the Holy valley

On the fourth day we headed North to Qadishathe holy Valley home to early Christianity.  We took a  gentle walk to take in the scenery and visit the monasteries of Mar Lisha (saint Elisha) and Quannoubine monastery. Even though the monasteries were open to visitors they appeared deserted. There was quietness; a welcome change from the Beirut noise.

Lunch was at Abou-Joseph a twenty minute walk from Qannoubine Monastry.
They were able to produce a full mezza and give us a kibbe e’raas demonstration. This part of Lebanon is well known for their grilled kibbe filled with fat and spices and char grilled on coals. We were also given kibbe nayye, (raw meat kibbe) and this was made with goat’s meat. Goat’s meat is favoured to lamb in the north. It has a low fat content and has a subtle gamey taste.
