All 3 recipes for
hot toddies are immensely
spectacular on
cold winter days,
and especially nice
on St. Patrick's Day...
Serving: (1 each)


1 teaspoon raw sugar
--(or dark brown sugar)
1-1/2 ozs. Irish whiskey
4 ozs. hot coffee
Unsweetened whipped cream

Make the whipped cream, and coffee. Pour the whiskey over the sugar in an 8 oz. glass mug, and top with coffee within 1” of rim, then spoon cream over top, and serve.

(Note: If you use sweetened whipped cream the toddy tends to become too sweet.)


1-1/2 ozs. Irish whiskey
1/2 oz. Irish cream (I prefer Baileys)
1 teaspoon dark brown sugar
--(or raw sugar)
6 ozs. hot coffee
Unsweetened whipped cream

Make the whipped cream, and coffee. Pour the coffee over the brown sugar in an 8 oz. glass mug and stir to dissolve, adding the whiskey and Baileys Irish Cream within 1” of rim; spoon the whipped cream over top, and serve.


1/2 oz. kahlua
1/2 oz. creme de cacoa
1/2 oz. Christian Brothers Brandy
4 ozs. hot coffee
Unsweetened whipped cream

Make whipped cream, and coffee. Add spirits to an 8 oz. glass mug, and stir to combine. Pour in coffee to within 1” of rim, then spoon whipped cream over top and serve.

(Credits: To a bartender in a famous downtown Anchorage restaurant who provided this Keoke Coffee recipe to me years ago.)
